Natural Non Toxic Products
Finding Fun in Natures Skin Care
Holistic & Herbal Remedies
Skin Care Routines Have Always Felt Intimidating To Me!
Up Until a few months ago after doing extensive research on ingredients and their real side effects
I had no idea how awful these “GOOD” products were and when i looked into
how simply the ingredients could be when it came to
skin care products, household cleaners, detergents, etc.
I started following a few homesteading, herbalism, holistic, natural pages and
fell in love with learning how to be more natural use it herbalism!
After seeing how easy it could be, I started slowly switching all the products I use in my home
to a Natural Non Toxic versions of what I used to use!
Not only have I noticed huge skin improvements since using homemade laundry detergent and dryer sheets.
It was so satisfying to see such a difference so fast after swapping out products
it encouraged me to really lean into making everything I could, myself!
I also have switched to a more natural shampoo and conditioner bars, body & face wash, deodorant, air fresheners, body scrubs, hair masks, toothpaste, and best of all natural cold and flu remedies.
The best part is 99% of all of these products I can make at home, plus sooo much more!
Text me at +1 306 471 9771
If You Are Interested In Skin Care Classes & Learning How to Make your Own!
I offer both private and 4 person groups ​
. Joyful . Smooth . Brightening . Graceful Aging .

Hand Made With Lots of Love
In My Kitchen
Natural Products
Info & Benefits
Castor Oil:
(topical )contains ricinoleic acid, properties containing anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antioxidant effects. Can alleviate pain of menstrual cramps, joint pain, headaches. Castor oil oil can support digestion and alleviate constipation. It has nourishing properties to improve skin texture, such as dryness and acne support your immune system strengthen natural body defences against illness and infection. Applying oil practises the focus on mind and body connection, promotes relaxation and stress reduction.
Black Seed oil:
(topical and supplemental) oil comes from the seed of a Stevia plant. Also referred to as “seed of blessings” for the ability to treat asthma, bronchitis, diarrhoea. Black seed oil has been shown huge promise when preventing and managing both type one and type two diabetes. Black seed oil can cause regeneration of the pancreatic cells, lowering glucose levels and lowering insulin concentrations. Protect against liver damage, anti-inflammatory effects, promotes skin health, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties promote weight loss, boost immunity and fights allergies
Oregano oil:
(topical and supplemental) oregano is extremely potent only ingest in small amounts if you’re using topically dilute with other oils. internally helps with cold digestive problems bacterial infections viral infections by adding one or two drops to a glass of water or juice topically it’s used for fungal infections, wart eczema, other skin issues, arthritis joint pain helps by boosting, immune function, supporting respiratory health, promoting skin wellness, supporting digestive wellness, natural cleaning agent, aromatherapy aid
Red Raspberry seed oil:
this oil off moisturizing anti-inflammatory antioxidant benefits for skin, anti-aging improves, skin, elasticity, suppleness, flexibility, soft softness, smoothness of wrinkles and fine lines and sagging skin hydrating and lipid barrier characteristics makes it wonderful for skin formulation very high and vitamin E prevent premature ageing reduces trans epidermal water loss repairs damage. contains essential fatty acids that have regenerative and anti-aging benefits
Coconut Oil:
(topically and supplemental) enhances better memory by promoting healthy neurons inflammation oxidative stress, which both damage neurons. coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides, which are a type of fat that converts into ketones more easily than other fats and ketones are used to fuel your brain. Also provides mental clarity, protect against oxidative, stress, reduces, anxiety, and depression protects the brain against staging may improve Parkinson’s disease bacterial properties kills viruses bacteria fungi, preventing external infections, contains a compound that effectively pathogens more than Lauric acid, promotes heart health helps balance hormones has moisturizing properties improve oral health and healing reduces abdominal fats by helping the body burn more calories risk of type two diabetes, high blood pressure, disease stroke and some types of cancers, hunger reduction, boost, sprain function, reduces seizures, treat inflammation, and arthritis.
Shea Butter:
Shea butter has many benefits, its soothing, tones, moisturizes, softens, hydrates prevent wrinkles, prevents stretch marks, current ones help, treat, acne, boosts, collagen, reproduction reduces redness, and swelling with anti-inflammatory properties
Vitamin E oil:
It is very moisturizing. It is extremely versatile. You can use it to reduce inflammation slow down the effects of free-radicals by adding it to your skin care or hair care. It helps heal minor wounds reduces appearance of scars helps to protect from skin cancer. reduces itching helps with eczema, slow down and reduces signs of ageing, soothes sunburns, nourish and moisturize skin. Tightens and promote healthy looking skin.
Cocoa Butter:
Cocoa butter is easily absorbed into the top layer of skin keeping it moisturized helping dehydration and chapping, helps fight skin inflammation, signs of ageing as well as protect skin from environmental damage. Cocoa butter is used and lotions lip balm creams night creams. do not use if you have oily or acne prone skin may cause blackheads, clogged pores.
Sweet Almond oil:
almond oil is light weight so you will not break out safe for sensitive combination Skin types. Hydrates and rejuvenates skin reduces skin irritation makes scars less visible reduces appearance of stretch marks, promotes healthy hair, strengthen scalp prevents hair, breakage and seals in moisture prevent water loss from the surface of your skin, regulate skin cell turnover, improve skin complexion, reduces redness.
Jojoba oil:
add moisture to the skin act as a protective barrier prevents moisture loss. It’s very easily absorbed and provides long, lasting hydration controls, sebum, production, preventing acne, and clogged pores has anti-bacterial properties as well as vitamin E antioxidant which reduces inflammation and makes your skin look younger produce collagen you will look younger and prevent saggy skin also protect skin from damage is allergenic and non-irritating wound healing and clears acne scars
Argon oil:
very rich and vitamin E and antioxidants making it a great supplement can be used to condition loaded with fatty acids to improve your locks and scalp as moisture to dry and damaged hair helps with dandruff itchy scalp protects styling hair, and colouring may help with hair loss tones, frizzy hair and flyways reduces breakage split ends helps to grow strong and healthy. Add shine benefits for your skin and include proving skin tone reducing the signs of protecting the skin from sun helps imperfections and infections skin and improve scarring and stretch marks
creates a protective barrier for your skin, making it wonderful to add to skin care products, antibacterial anti-inflammatory antimicrobial, antiviral, anti fungal, and purify. The skin can heal skin, rashes, cut and bones, hyper allergenic, and moisturizing, making it great for exam and psoriasis or salves.
water-based substance used as a facial toner to keep skin moist and firm reduces oily skin has a natural astringent, fights acne with antibacterial properties cleanses your skin, helps with varicose veins by tightening or shrinking the skin and vein helps stimulate blood flow, shrink large pores, treats ingrown hairs, can be used as a perfume base also used to make water based deodorant
Rose water:
rosewater balances, skins pH controls, excess oil prevents clogging of pores. Can be used to treat allergic rashes reduce redness of irritative skin to avoid pimples and acne to treat dermatitis to a certain extent deep cleansing properties to remove the dirt accumulated on the layers of skin. has revitalizing properties uses an antibacterial solution to heal wounds, cut scars naturally has antioxidant properties helping regenerates skin tissue and strengthen skin sills exfoliates the skin making your skin glow, Anti aging properties. The aroma reduces stress, anxiety, and promotes well-being
Green tea:
(topically and supplemental) aids in weight loss raises metabolic rate, improves insulin activity and increases fat oxidation. Overall, healthy body detox gets rid of chemical impurities inside your body helps. Eliminate free radicals causing cell damage. increases metabolism, anti-inflammatory, reducing swelling, redness, irritation, help clear up acne with anti-inflammatory antioxidant properties has vitamin K, B2 and E good to feed a nourish The skin helps with dark circles and baggy, puffy eyes, tightens skin. Promotes hair growth, prevents split and adds moisture and shine green tea is also really good for gum health
Aloe vera has many medicinal properties, including maintaining blood sugar levels, reducing digestive issues and improving heart health, eating and weight loss, but it’s also used to prevent wrinkles, acne treatment and pimples. promotion of hair growth fighting dandruff moisturizing hair Extremely hydrating and moisturizing for skin used for dark spots, oily and dry skin, fights fine lines. Help calm skin reduce inflammation hydrates nourishes leaving your skin feeling supple and soft with a more clear complexion dark spots and hyperpigmentation under eye-bags and dark circles balances, oily skin, promote skin, regeneration, enhances, skin elasticity, calm, sensitive skin
Bentonite clay:
deep, pore, cleanser, draws out impurities pushes out, grime, dead skin cells, germs, pollution, excess sebum detox by skin. The negatively charged ions attract positively charged ions, found in toxins and impurities on your skin reduces, oily skin prevent and eases out blackheads sits red and itching skin treats, acne reduces, inflammation, and swelling, regenerates new healthy skin cells reduces, blemishes, and dark spots, help eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea firms and mature skin
Arrowroot powder / Cornstarch:
arrowroot powder is very similar to cornstarch arrowroot is finer and more absorbent, making it better for beauty. Products cornstarch is made from corn, which is always genetically modified. Arrowroot plants are not. Arrowroot great for natural dry shampoo to absorb excess oil, has anti-fungal properties. Used to dry out and absorb oil from blemishes.
Sea Salt:
used as a scrub, salt water has amazing benefits for eczema, psoriasis, acne, and other skin conditions promotes healing helps balance and restore, body health, bathing in salt Water can help treat psoriasis and strengthen immune system exfoliates your skin helps to dry skin conditions improves Blood circulation, helps acne, and oily skin by cleansing impurities helps heal wounds and prevent infections. Salt water can be used on scalp for antidandruff treatments
Epsom salt:
detoxifies your skin heels cracked heels, softens, rough skin, purifies, pores, foliate skin gives hair prevent skin infection, prevent premature, aging, adds texture to hair, relieves, itching skin and scalp, banishes, dandruff, healthy teeth, and gums fights bad breath clears, cellulite
magnesium reduces, acne and pimples anti-aging properties used heal skin inflammation moisturizes, skin curbs hair loss. Magnesium is best absorbed topically through the skin. This is why products such as oil sprays are so beneficial. Magnesium plays a rolling over 300 biochemical reactions, including muscle nerve function, blood glucose control bone health, most of us are walking around with magnesium deficiencies and might not even know it benefits include enhanced mood and stress, reduction less muscle soreness, fewer headaches and migraines, improved, magnesium levels, skin balance, blood sugar, lower risk, blood pressure and hypertension, optimized, digestive health, spritz, and rub on
Apply on your feet, stomach legs, temples, armpits, arms hair. may tingle a little bit, if the tingle is too much dilute with more water.
Apple-cider vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar restore the natural pH balance of skin protecting from wrinkles as a mouthwash, bacteria, causing plaque and bad breath. Also preventing cavities promotes hair. Growth helps to cope with dandruff by destroying fungal microorganisms and preventing infections helps treat acne also used for sunburn relief.
Ask as a home remedy for PMS and painful periods aids and weight loss eliminates body odour treatment of yeast infections used her facial toners, minimizes acid reflux, heartburn morning sickness and can whiten teeth
Activated charcoal:
treats, acne, sucks out impurities from skin, whitens dark under arms, gets rid of acne scars and blemishes detoxifies the skin
Goats milk soap base:
soothes sensitive skin problems, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, without irritation, less likely to strip and dry the skin then other soap cleanser can. fatty acids provides a protective layer for the skin, seals moisture without feeling too greasy. You’re getting lots of vitamins and minerals goats milk has been shown to have anti-aging properties reducing fine lines wrinkles discolouration when used regularly, powerful antioxidants to fight skin damage, high natural vitamin E, also contains lactic acid, which is proven to reverse the signs of ageing
promotes skin hydration increases water levels, banishes acne- causing bacteria being that it’s naturally antibacterial. A zit zapper! it can replace treatments such as benzyl peroxide and salicylic as these can overwhelm your skin, boost recovery process, and healing that means any breakout or irritation heals fast, reduces, redness, fights off, wrinkles with antioxidant abilities to encourage collagen production for younger looking skin. makes your skin look more radiant leak useful fresh hydrated, tender rejuvenated wonderful for brighter complexion remove dirt and bacteria without stripping your skin.
Cayenne pepper:
Cayenne pepper, boosts, metabolism, clears congestion, boost heart health also known to relieve joint pain and inflammation conditions. The compound produces extra heat in our bodies and burns more fat and calories in the process improves digestive health improves. Your stomach ability, defend off infections and increases production of digestive fluid, lower blood pressure can reduce pain, powerful pain relieving properties reduces the amount of substance P - the chemical that delivers pain to the brain can prevent cancer protect the heart by improving blood vessel and blood pressure health prevents blood clots, preventing heart attacks clearing lipid deposits that narrow arteries help detoxify at tonic joint pain, antimicrobial antibacterial anti-fungal improves, immunity heals, toothaches, improves skin, and hair health
Helps to treat chronic inflammation known for its anti-inflammatory antioxidant anti-cancer properties. It’s medicinal properties include pain, relief and improved heart health skin care. It’s often included due to its anti-inflammatory antimicrobial, antioxidant properties, which benefits skin by reducing inflammation, promoting healing and protecting against damage.
Zinc oxide:
is considered safe and comes in the form of a very fine white powder It is not safe to eat only intended for topical use benefits include the ability to protect skin from sunburns help treat acne prevent certain infections slow down, ageing process, anti-inflammatory capacity help with skin, irritation, psoriasis, eczema, rashes, protect against bacterial infections Studies have shown that formulation of collagen can speed up the healing process zinc oxide has the ability to slow down the process of oxidation stress in the skin meaning reducing the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes age spots and increasing the elasticity of the skin can be used in sunscreen powders creams moisturizers the anti-inflammatory products makes it very versatile and also gentle on most skin types great for diaper rashes, appropriate for babies, sensitive skin
Soothes information and heals skin. Can help with fungal infection, rashes sunburns. Anti-bacterial properties.moisturizes the skin and speeds up the rate in which cells regenerate and rejuvenate also reduces, itchiness, irritation, red and flames. Skin heels cuts, scrapes scratches used for healing wounds spider bites increases circulation moves, congested lymph. can also be used for breast-feeding mothers on chapped or sore nipples, to treat ringworm athletes, foot thrush, diaper rash, cradle, cap use an oil or salve several times a day
Tea: is an effective aid and easing painful side effects of menstruation, relieves cramps, muscle aches, improves blood flow also helps with hot flashes. Has a powerful anti-bacterial antimicrobial Properties helps treat gingivitis plaque or oral cavities, and other oral health issues.
can be used for earaches thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties reduces swelling decreases pain in children with acute and chronic ear infections has antibacterial properties, which makes it even more beneficial 2 to 3 drops 3 to 4 times a day in each year also helps soothe mouth ulcers with its antibacterial properties helps the body heal itself can be applied to skin issues such as bug bite, sunburns, rashes, scrapes wounds use it as oil for anti-inflammatory benefits
Tea: 2tbsp per cup-has antibacterial, sedative, antimicrobial ,demulcent provides respiratory relief. Anyone suffering from insomnia, viral infections, poor digestion, health, skin, irritation, or infections joint pain should drink it. drinking the tea can soothe and promote healthy, respiratory system, and also soothe symptoms of cough, colds and asthma.
lavender helps with treating stress, anxiety, even insomnia, and allergic reactions antihistamine, especially to treat symptoms to the well-known hay fever or dust, dogs and cats. It’s anti-inflammatory and soothing to the skin, apply to burn scratches. and small cut. can be used for a massage oil applied as skincare and aromatherapy applications.
Tea: one of the most notable benefits for lavender tea is it’s calming effect on the nervous system. This tea is a natural remedy for physical mental complaints such as anxiety and insomnia pain indigestion, promotes relaxation and overall sleep quality contains properties that lower stress levels and enhance mood reduces muscle tension, and acts as a mild pain reliever providing relief from menstrual discomfort helps with immune system inflammation and inflammation such as arthritis helps to treat skin conditions such as eczema psoriasis, soothes gastrointestinal, reducing inflammation symptoms aids with respiratory conditions, such as bronchitis, cough, cold, and other flu symptoms, remarkable antiseptic and analgesic antimicrobial neuroprotective, sedative, and anti- convulsive properties
SPF Oil Chart
Carrot seed oil 38 to 40
Shea butter 3-6
Wheat germ oil 20
Red raspberry seed oil 28 to 50
Avocado oil 14 to 15
Almond oil 5
Coconut oil 2 to 8
Macadamia nut 6
Jojoba oil 4
​Essential Oil Info:
frankincense is known as the “king of oils” Aromatic use works effectively because after the scent goes in the nasal cavity it stimulates the limbic system which controls your emotions memories making this a great way to assist mood topically apply frankincense oil to the skin to reduce blemishes, fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, add a few drops to shampoo to help with hair growth put a few drops on your nails to promote strong and healthy grow out promote healthy respiratory systems if applied topically to the chest or diffused helps clear out mucus promotes clear, breathing relieves tension solution for hurting back stiff neck, achy joints, and discomfort can be used to reduce tension in the head to your thumb and against the roof of your mouth also to temples forehead and back and neck. It’s great for cellular health and cellular energy. This is important. This helps with overall wellness and healthy immune system.
Tea tree:
Anti-microbial antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, balsamic, expectorant, fungicide, insecticide, and stimulant properties. also improves oral health and even relieves root canal pain. Treats stye Terry oil is also known to inhibit the activity of staphylococcus bacterium. strengthen Nails can fight fungal infections that may cause your nails to become brittle
rosemary, essential oil has the ability to tone, moisturize your skin in addition to smoothing out wrinkles, reducing fine lines clearing up acne minimizing the ugliness of varicose veins and broken capillaries. rosemary is one of the top oils used in aromatherapy, benefits include congestion relief from a cold, or soothe a sore throat, asthma, also goes along way in pain relief with sore muscles, and Arthritis. Rosemary is a powerful hair follicle stimulator helped people to grow fuller, thicker looking hair, preventing grey hair, reducing the appearance of dry, flaky, scalp, bad breath, and disinfects the mouth.
Rosehip has powerful antioxidant properties that protect skin cells from oxidative damage, which leads to premature ageing its vitamin C, content, encourages healthy skin and self production vitamin A stimulates fibre blast the cell responsible for developing tissue in the deep layers of skin, keeping the skin firm and supple content of fatty acids keep skin moisturized fade scarring by promoting new skin growth helps with hyperpigmentation promotes glowing skin deeply penetrates for soft, supple, glow, sooth, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea, treats oily skin
known as the“queen of oils”anti-microbial properties emotionally uplifting helps balance, moisture level to the skin reduces appearance of imperfections, promote even skin tones and complexion applied to pulse points to uplift mood throughout the day reduce skin and Perfect apply as a personal fragrance Best of all support women’s hormones. Rose can promote regular ovulation. Relief of menstrual spasms cramps and discomfort. Balance hormones in both men and women can help with anxious feelings and stress.
lavender has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, antiviral properties. It’s a powerhouse and it’s the reason it’s a must have essential oil. improves mood promotes relaxation and improves. Sleep promotes wound. Healing of minor cut. Scrapes burns helps with hair loss, natural mosquito repellent to improve circulation lowers blood pressure helps eczema improves skin and acne.
Citronella :
deters insects- ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, and secondly soothes itchy, painful insect bites with its anti-fungal anti-inflammatory properties improves appearance of skin and purifies. The air. Can kill airborne bacteria, utilizing antibacterial properties. Improves mood, calming, and relaxing.
Analgesic, anti inflammatory, Prevents free radicals damage, alleviates, cold, and flu, symptoms treats, respiratory problems, suits a sore throat, relieves muscle, and joint pain fights fungal infection
lemon is mood boosting, great for a skin cleanser, cleaning agent, freshen the laundry, gets rid of sickness, makes your dishes shine
anti-fungal antioxidant ant septic anti-inflammatory insecticidal properties can prevent microbial infections pain and inflammation, improve digestion, immunity, lower cholesterol levels, aid, treatment of nervous disorders and cancer, and improve skin and hair health
eases occasional headaches reduce symptoms of heartburn rub joints to leave soreness diffuse for increase energy and alertness use for seasonal allergies sinus support, mood boosting, insecticidal, helps nausea, low body temperature, improve mental clarity, soothes sore feet, use a cooling spray for hot flashes
peppermint sometimes can cause skin and nose burning many people because it is so strong so spearmint is the gentler version if you suffer from digestive problems, nausea, headaches, including migraines, nasal or sinus, congestion, skin, abrasions, poor circulation, poor muscles, arthritis, pain, or fatigue gives spearmint oil a try add a few drops to your bath or shower routine for hair and skin health. Gargle it with water for long lasting fresh breath kills germs that caused bad breath. Add it to a diffuser for a beautiful aroma. Spearmint can also be used for pest control to keep away mosquitoes insects, also relieves feelings of stress, tension, and stimulates and improves. Concentration invigorates your mind and senses rather than anxious energy balances your hormones eating in our endocrine system keeping it balanced, consuming spearmint tea booster immunity helps keep sickness at bay improves. Sleep contributes to a healthy immune function also has unique benefits for soothing and infants.
St. John’s wort:
anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antidepressant effects, pain relief overall skin health. Some components that are found in St. John’s wart include flavonoids which are a type of antioxidant that protect against oxidative stress and have anti-inflammatory effects. By increasing levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain display role in mood regulation, it also has an analgesic property which helps relieve pain and treat conditions such as sciatica headaches and nerve pain also is wonderful for the skin properties. Reduce risk of infection and anti-inflammatory properties make an effective remedy for eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
known for its sweet, warm scent. Has antioxidant properties which battle free radical damage and repair its effects. Has antibacterial properties inhibiting certain bacterial growth such as staph. Anti-depressant often used for its uplifting aroma and delicious smelling fragrance to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Vanilla also provides intense hydration, making a valuable addition to skin care routines improving hair health by strengthening and nourishing
Juniper Berry:
are medicinal they can be used for heartburn and indigestion increases urine output, relieves bloating, help flush out toxins and bacteria in a urinary track infection and bladder infections. An antibacterial, anti fungal helps with skin infections irritation and wound helps treat edema. It’s an anti-inflammatory antioxidant anti-aging, and if you steam with it, it relieves the respiratory issues.
can help lower bad cholesterol while raising good cholesterol the anti-inflammatory platelet compounds benefit arterial heart health. Aphrodisiac has been used to set the mood. Helps with erectile dysfunction, mainly due to its ability to improve blood circulation, supports insulin release, and helps lower and keep blood sugars at a normal level. Boost hair growth, stimulating scalp and creating healthier environment combats acne with its anti-inflammatory properties supports weight loss with metabolic response in fat cells, Helps heal ulcers and can support the removal of internal parasites, anti-fungal agent, combats, athletes, toenail, fungus, soothe, sore throats, deodorizes calms reduces, allergic reactions, deter insects and rodents.
clove is known for spicy warm, stimulating scent that brings thoughts of cool crisp weather, used as a disinfectant so it’s a wonderful to use in your homemade cleaning products leaving your home smelling yummy and giving it a fall feel. Other uses include mosquito repellent, relieves, toothaches, combats, gum, infections, fights, bad breath, mouth inflammation throat inflammation dry socket. Other benefits include relief from anxiety, stress, exhaustion, nervousness, calming the mental chatter, great essential oil to use during the fall and winter symptoms of respiratory conditions, such as influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, and the common cold
Cypress has antioxidant compounds that help fight free radical damage and oxidative stress, supports liver health Cypress oil has also proven its capabilities and healing your body, preventing the breakdown of neurotransmitters in the brain helping neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s has been shown to have significant antimicrobial properties making it a wonderful cleaner shown to be an effective anti-fungal, conquering even candida when combined with lavender oil using this to disinfect your home is a great way to avoid antibiotics, its antiviral properties wound healing with its antimicrobial abilities, fight skin disease has been used to address acne blocked pores, cellulite, oily conditions, Rashes, rosacea also can be used as a safer herbicide and fungicide, as well as insecticide using aromatherapy can reduce symptoms of cold, coughs, bronchitis, asthma inflammation of the back of the throat has been used to treat varicose veins due to its ability to constrict the veins
Cedar-wood has many benefits. It’s grounding, calming properties when diffused makes for popular topical and aromatic application. It’s used to enhance your workout routine. Encourages health and vitality can be used in facial toners to add clarifying results enhance the appearance and tightens skin, encourages relaxation suits emotions when used on the scalp helps to remove and purify excess oil dirt and dandruff increases circulation, tightens, follicles, and minimizes thinning by flowing hair loss. has also been known to get rid of skin and purities reinforce and remove bacteria and infections and Decrease inflammation.
A natural antibiotic natural anti fungal can be used on rashes infections wounds to sooth irritated skin reduces, blemishes by killing bad bacteria on your skin addition to a toner anti-inflammatory properties, it’s known to alleviate and reduce inflammation and pain from fibromyalgia arthritis. Sprain strains is a great oil on its own, but you can also partner it to boost effects.
Clary Sage:
wildly used in aromatherapy where it used to keep the brain mind, calm and reduce feelings of anxiety, regulate emotional imbalance as an antidepressant and has anti-inflammatory affects consider the best for stress, relief, and antibacterial property that makes it good for wound care to prevent infectious bacteria use stretch marks, sores, and swelling can diminish the appearance of blemishes improve cell and tissue growth keeps skin free of toxins and free radicals help improve fungal infections, such as athletes foot greater efficacy to hormone balance the natural product helps with mood swings, hot flashes. Loss of sleep loss produces relaxation from stress, anxiety issues.
enhancing a sense of energy helping to manage stressful and anxious feelings and helping to manage the feeling of discomfort experience from stiffness and aches to stimulate the solar plexus and third eye chakra helps to cleanse the mind and the aura stimulate confidence intelligence and creativity improves mental strength help to burn fat
has antiseptic and antibacterial properties Reduces stress and anxiety increases energy levels and eases headaches, reduces PMS symptoms even promote better sleep, calms nerves, soothes anxiety, mild depression. Jasmine also possesses analgesic properties that make it effective for relieving various types of pain, including muscle aches, menstrual cramps, promotes relaxation.
Sweet orange:
promotes healthy hair used in aromatherapy antibacterial anti fungal properties eases anxiety used to relieve pain has antic cancer and antioxidant properties. Boosts athletic performance, improves the appearance of skin, reducing acne risk and unclogging pores and reducing inflammation improves sleep quality, reduces anxiety has been used as pain relief via aromatherapy during childbirth. Promotes weight loss and can also ward away ants, mosquitoes and bedbugs
has been known to treat sore throat, manages stress, anxiety, healing cuts, and scrapes skin care, lotions, plant disinfectant, reduces fever and inflammation boosting immunity, treating infections, can eliminate allergy symptom. Highly antimicrobial anti fungal antiviral, antibacterial purifies the air provides, effective protection against airborne pathogens support immune system function used as a disinfectant around home wound healing, and provides pain relief
Mustard bath synergy blend:
containing eucalyptus, rosemary and wintergreen. A few drops in a diffuser and clears your sinuses right up! Apply it to fatigued areas after physical activity and inhale or apply diluted to your chest. For stimulating scent, Add to hot water in your bath and enjoy the soothing aromatic steam
Natural Non toxic Ingredients:
Nontoxic Air Freshener - water, your favourite essential oil, fine mister bottle
Mosquito repellent- water, vodka or witch hazel, real vanilla, citronella, eucalyptus, lemon grass, lavender, rosemary, Epsom salt, vanilla, peppermint oil
Diaper rash cream- coconut oil, Shea butter, vitamin E oil, zinc oxide, beeswax bentonite clay optional to add lavender oil
Exfoliating face wash coconut oil, baking soda, lemon, tea tree oil, lavender.
Deodorant-cornstarch, baking soda, bentonite clay, Shea butter your favourite essential oil
Cookies and cream coffee exfoliating body sugar scrub-coffee grinds coconut oil, vanilla extract, sugar, salt, cinnamon
Oil of oregano- dried oregano, olive oil
Bath salts baking soda, Epsom salt, essential oil 1 drop of food colouring
Detoxing body mask apple cider vinegar, bentonite clay
Cleansing bomb (this is kind of like a make up remover) Shea butter beeswax pellets and almond oil
Moisturizer Shea butter, Jojoba oil, almond oil, essential oils
Hair growth spray -day lavender rosemary peppermint filtered water
Hair growth serum-night lavender rosemary peppermint castor oil or coconut oil base
Saffron serum Carrier oil such as castor oil or coconut oil, saffron, almond oil, aloe vera gel, vitamin E oil
Saffron toner saffron, rosewater, and filtered water aloe vera gel, almond oil
Green tea toner green tea extract, aloe vera, lavender, Frankincense, Tea tree essential oil, oil of oregano
Wart remover lavender oregano tea tree Frankincense apple cider vinegar
Nail fungus remover Tea tree oil, oregano oil, coconut oil
Fountain of youth serum Black seed, oil, castor oil, frankincense, oregano, oil
Moisturizing body bar goats, milk, soap base, Shea butter, coconut oil, almond oil, argon, oil, beeswax, jasmine, frankincense, lavender
Cayenne pepper warming salve cayenne pepper, beeswax, Shea, butter, peppermint, eucalyptus clove, ginger cayenne
Cayenne pepper arthritis oil cayenne pepper, and castor oil
Body Butter Shea butter, Coco butter, almond oil, castor, oil, vitamin E oil, lemon grass, lavender
Eye serum castor oil, jojoba oil, frankincense
Eyelash serum Castor oil, rosemary lavender
Honey face wash honey, frankincense
Age spot mask for hyperpigmentation baking soda, and castor oil, frankincense
Edema oil Helichrysum, Cypress, Peppermint, Juniper Berry, Castor oil
Waterproof SPF 20 broad spectrum Shea, butter, zinc, oxide, red raspberry seed, aloe walnut extract
SPF lip balm coconut oil, olive oil, cocoa, butter, beeswax, red raspberry seed oil, essential oil
SPF 30 to 40 coconut oil, zinc oxide, almond oil, beeswax, Shea, butter, vitamin E, oil, red raspberry seed aloe
Sensitive skin SPF 30 to 40 Shea butter, Jojoba oil, vitamin E oil, red raspberry seed oil, zinc oxide
Deep sleep salve coconut oil, Shea butter, Beeswax Cedarwood lavender
Haemorrhoid help Castor oil, tea tree ,oil witch hazel
Acne spot treatment Tea tree oil, coconut oil, castor oil, oregano oil
Tooth paste coconut oil, baking soda, calcium carbonate, hydrogen peroxide
Mullein salve Mullen oil, beeswax, tea tree oil, lavender eucalyptus peppermint clove
Lavender salve lavender oil beeswax lavender rose hip lemongrass, Cedarwood
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